Old Testament Survey - Module 3: Historical Books
Hi everyone, and welcome to the third module for the Old Testament survey course. In this section, we'll be working through the Historical Books of the Old Testament.
Upon successful completion of this module, the student will:
- Place the Major OT people, events and books of the Historical Books in a general chronology
- Explain the main message(s), organization, theme(s), and/or character(s) of the Historical Books.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the character of God as revealed through His revelation in the history and literature of the Historical Books.
- Consider how God’s revelation through the Historical Books applies in the student’s life and ministry.
Below you will find links to all the study material for this module.
Course Documents
In this section, you'll find links to important and supplemental documents for this module. Click the following links to open each document. The first group contains documents that explain and give instruction for all the course activities in this module. The second group is a set of blank lecture notes which you may use as a companion for the video lectures. And the last group contains summary sheets for each Bible book covered in this module.
Instruction Guides
Lecture Notes
Bible Summaries
In this section, you will find the review slides from the course lectures for module 3. This is a convenient way to view and review the summaries for each lecture. Click the Thumbnail picture to begin the slide show.
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buttons (bottom right of the slide) to move through the slides. You can also click on any thumbnail to go directly to that slide.
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Review Quiz
This section is a link to a separate page which contains a review quiz to test your understanding of the objective material for Module 7. By clicking the link, you will be taken to a series of questions, in random order. Answer each question and then push the Submit
button to check your answers. Every question must be answered before you can submit the quiz. At the end, you will be shown your score for the entire quiz. The quiz will be different each time, so feel free to take it more than once. Click the Thumbnail picture to begin the quiz.
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Discussion/Reflection/Essay Questions
This section contains questions for further thought and discussion from Module 1. These questions can also be used as essay questions in a classroom setting exam. It is recommended that you take time to think through these issues in order to thoroughly grasp the significance and explore the application of the material you are learning. Click the Thumbnail to view the questions.
See Questions
The following questions are for your thoughtful consideration and discussion:
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- Why do you think things went so bad in the Book of Judges? What could have been done better? What lessons from this can you apply to your own life?
- What does the Book of Judges tell us about kingship? What does this reveal about the character and purposes of God?
- What is the "Prophetic Perspective"? Give examples from the Historical books. How does this apply to a modern Christian?
- Describe how Deuteronomistic theology is illustrated in the Books of Joshua and Judges. How does Deuteronomistic theology impact your worldview and lifestyle.
- Describe the two themes of the Books of Kings. What difference should these ideas make to the worldview and lifestyle of a modern Christian?
- The course material emphasized that none of God's promises failed. In what ways have your observed this to be true in your life. How should this impact your attitude, goals and lifestyle?
- How does God work in the Book of Ruth? What does that teach us about the way He can work in our own lives?
- Why is the second section of Second Samuel called "David's Troubled Reign" instead of "David's Negative Reign"? What does this tell us about God's character? What difference does this make for your life?
- What is "Contrast Faithfulness" and how is it shown in the Book of Ruth? How does this concept inform other parts of the Bible?
- How/What does the Book of Esther contribute to your Christian life?
- Compare and contrast the leadership and character of Saul, David, and Solomon. What lessons are most relevant for application to your own character and leadership?
- Describe the differences between the Books of Kings and the Books of Chronicles. How does this help us understand these books? How does this help us in our Christian life?
- What is the "Davidic Covenant" and how is it fulfilled? How does this help you to understand and apply the New Testament?
Module Completed!
Congratulations, you have reached the end of the third module. I hope that you have found it rewarding and have noticed personal growth.
I encourage you to continue on to the next module as soon as is convenience. The button below will take you to Module 4.