Old Testament Survey - Module 6: Minor Prophets

Hi everyone, and welcome to the sixth module for the Old Testament survey course. In this section, we'll be working through the Minor Prophetic books of the Old Testament.

Upon successful completion of this module, the student will:

  • Place the Major OT people, events and books of the Minor Prophetic Books in a general chronology.
  • Explain the main message(s), organization, theme(s), and/or character(s) of the Minor Prophetic Books.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the character of God as revealed through His revelation in the praise and wisdom literature of the Minor Prophetic Books.
  • Consider how God’s revelation through the Minor Prophetic Books applies in the student’s life and ministry.

Below you will find links to all the study material for this module.

Course Documents

In this section, you'll find links to important and supplemental documents for this module. Click the following links to open each document. The first group contains documents that explain and give instruction for all the course activities in this module. The second group is a set of blank lecture notes which you may use as a companion for the video lectures. And the last group contains summary sheets for each Bible book covered in this module.

Instruction Guides

Lecture Notes

Bible Summaries


In this section, you will find the video lectures for the Minor Prophetic Books module. They are designed to be watched in order, but each video should make sense on its own. Click each thumbnail to open access to each video. Then click on the video to begin playback. There is also a link with each video if you prefer to watch on the Rumble or YouTube interface. In addition, there is a link to download the audio from the presentation for offline review.

39: Introduction to the Twelve
40: Hosea
41: Joel
42: Amos
43: Obadiah
44: Jonah
45: Micah
46: Nahum
47: Habakkuk
48: Zephaniah
49: Haggai
50: Zechariah
51: Malachi


In this section, you will find the review slides from the course lectures for module 6. This is a convenient way to view and review the summaries for each lecture. Click the Thumbnail picture to begin the slide show.

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Click the prev. and next buttons (bottom right of the slide) to move through the slides. You can also click on any thumbnail to go directly to that slide.

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Review Quiz

This section is a link to a separate page which contains a review quiz to test your understanding of the objective material for Module 7. By clicking the link, you will be taken to a series of questions, in random order. Answer each question and then push the Submit button to check your answers. Every question must be answered before you can submit the quiz. At the end, you will be shown your score for the entire quiz. The quiz will be different each time, so feel free to take it more than once. Click the Thumbnail picture to begin the quiz.

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Quiz Trigger

Discussion/Reflection/Essay Questions

This section contains questions for further thought and discussion from Module 1. These questions can also be used as essay questions in a classroom setting exam. It is recommended that you take time to think through these issues in order to thoroughly grasp the significance and explore the application of the material you are learning. Click the Thumbnail to view the questions.

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Discussion Questions Trigger

The following questions are for your thoughtful consideration and discussion:

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  1. What does the Book of Amos teach about Biblical justice? How does this apply to our current society?
  2. How did Habakkuk respond to God's first response? How would you respond in a similar circumstance? What does the rest of the Book tell about how we should relate to God?
  3. How do the disputations in Malachi apply to your current life and culture?
  4. Which of the themes of Haggai apply most to your life and why?
  5. What message does the Book of Hosea have for the modern church? How does it apply?
  6. What do the Books of Obadiah and Nahum contribute to our understanding of God's character? How does that apply and help us in our modern lives?
  7. Describe the concept of "Anti-Contrast faithfulness" in the Book of Jonah. How does this make the point of the Book of Jonah? What difference does this make for your life?

Module Completed!

Congratulations, you have reached the end of the sixth module. I hope that you have found it rewarding and have noticed personal growth.

I encourage you to continue on to the next module as soon as is convenience. The button below will take you to Module 7.